Become a Volunteer
We welcome volunteers since help is needed 7 days a week and is appreciated at Anam Cara Sanctuary
Volunteers work directly with the animals, cleaning, feeding the animal residents, and checking up on everyone to make sure they’re happy and healthy. Typical jobs include mucking barns, laying out fresh bedding, cleaning and filling water dishes, and general maintenance around the farm sanctuary. You must be ok with poop and lifting 25lbs+. This is a physical job with lots of walking. Taking care of the animal residents and building relationships with them is such a joy and truly rewarding. Volunteer opportunities are by APPOINTMENT ONLY, so please ensure to contact us for additional information!
AGE RESTRICTION: Volunteers must be 16 years of age or older. Volunteers 16 - 18 years old MUST be accompanied by a guardian, relative, or sponsor over the age of 18 years old.

We ask that volunteers commit to at least 2 hours of time per week. Volunteer shifts offered are: 7a-9a, 12p-2p and 5p-7p. The hours may change seasonally with daylight hours.
Things to keep in mind
Dress Appropriately
This is a farm and there is poop everywhere!
Wear clothing and closed-toe footwear that you won't mind getting dirty. Our residents are very friendly, and most aren't shy to welcome you to the sanctuary. For safety purposes, entry will NOT be allowed for those with flip flops or attire that is not fit for volunteer work on a farm sanctuary. Full length shirts and shorts (no exposed midriffs, the more covered the safer and more respectful at our sanctuary).
No jewelry - especially loose and dangly earrings. They may attract the eye of one of the residents and if your jewelry falls off, it could be ingested and can pose a health hazard to our animals. Please leave it at home.
No earbuds. Similarly to jewelry they pose a health hazard to the animals if ingested, and they are also a distraction.
Recommend keeping your hair up in a bun. Some of the residents may mistake ponytails or long hair for rope toys.
Volunteers should be aware that, as a working farm animal sanctuary, you will walk on rough surfaces, get dirty, and be exposed to the natural weather (rain, heat, wind) elements. We highly recommend bringing gloves, hats, water, and other items to protect yourself from the elements. Please no perfume.
Please do not bring any food or yummy-smelling items on your body or in your bag as our animals love to eat and are on special diets.
Please Ensure You're on Time and Remain Committed
When you volunteer to help us, please ensure you remain committed to and are available at the requested date and time. Effort and coordination have been made based on your request(s), so failure to show has a negative impact on us and our animals. We understand unforeseen situations occur, but please be considerate and give at least 24-hour notice if you need to cancel or reschedule.
Failure to show at volunteer time once confirmed by the staff can result in loss of privileges with Anam Cara Sanctuary.
Refrain from Posting on Social Media While Volunteering
Our residents are very friendly, and most aren't shy to welcome you to the sanctuary. They are always excited to welcome new visitors and may potentially climb, jump, or run with joy unexpectedly. With that said, it's not safe for volunteers to be distracted while working on the sanctuary. We don't want you to go viral for the wrong reason because of distractions. Above all, it's for the safety of YOU and our animals. But don't worry! After all activities are complete, the opportunity for photos and more will be available for everyone as a thank you.
If this sounds great to you, please fill out a volunteer form and email it to: